Hot Reload in Golang Using Air - 07/04/2024

Hot reload in golang app while development using Air

Hot Reload in Golang Using Air

Prerequisites :

  1. Golang version 1.22 or higher
  2. I tested it on wsl2 in both windows and linux environment

Hot reload without docker container

  1. Create a golang gin application

    • Create a project directory and install gin-gonic :
    go get -u
    • Now install Air :
    go get -u
    • Create a simple Gin application
    // main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    // Create a new Gin router
    router := gin.Default()
    // Define a route
    router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
        "message": "Hello, Gin!",
    // Run the server on port 8080
  2. initialize the .air.toml configuration file by running this command

    air init
  3. After this, you can just run the air command without additional arguments and it will use the .air.toml file for configuration.


Hot reload in docker container

  1. We are going to use the above application. Create a Dockerfile with following content :

    FROM golang:1.22-alpine
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN go install
    COPY go.mod go.sum ./
    RUN go mod download
    CMD ["air", "-c", ".air.toml"]
  2. Now create a docker-compose.yaml file :

    version: "3.8"
        context: .
        # Correct the path to your Dockerfile
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
        - 8080:8080
        # Important to bind/mount your codebase dir to /app dir for live reload
        - ./:/app
  3. Now run docker-compose up and check localhost:8080 in browser.

  4. If your live reload is not working, try poll = true in .air.toml file and rebuild the docker image.